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Фильм-концерт «Александр Невский» в Большом театре.
Первые впечатления. «Круглый стол» в Музее кино
Участвуют: Наум КЛЕЙМАН, Франк ШТРОБЕЛЬ, Штефан ЛАНГ,
Вольфганг МАЙСНЕР, Кирилл РАЗЛОГОВ и др.
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Письмо З.Н.Райх С.М.Эйзенштейну. (Публикация и предисловие
27 |
Евгений ДОБРЕНКО «История народа принадлежит царю».
Диалектика народной монархии
70 |
Нина ДЫМШИЦ Катехизис Юткевича
74 |
Леонид ТРАУБЕРГ О гигантах и современниках. Из воспоминаний
80 |
Анри ЛАНГЛУА [Преданный авангарду]. Предисловие к книге Люды
и Жана Шнитцер «Юткевич, или Непрерывность авангарда»
86 |
Сергей ЮТКЕВИЧ Основы режиссуры
(краткий конспект курса лекций)
94 |
«Если бы мог я прийти к тебе за советом....» Письма и телеграммы
С.И.Юткевича С.М.Эйзенштейну и П.М.Аташевой
102 |
Андрей БУРОВ «Кружева» и вопрос линии
108 |
Валентина КОЗИНЦЕВА Вспоминая Григория Михайловича…
126 |
Григорий КОЗИНЦЕВ «Пустота всегда претенциозна…» Обсуждение
курсовой работы во ВГИКе, 1960 г.
131 |
Яков БУТОВСКИЙ Григорий Козинцев и Золотой век довоенного
139 |
Рудольф АРНХЕЙМ Сегодняшнее искусство и кино публикатор и автор предисловия Сергей ФИЛИППОВ
146 |
Сергей ФИЛИППОВ Между мышлением и действительностью
159 |
Екатерина ЩЕМЕЛЕВА Клеопатра Пролеткульта. К 100-летию
Веры Януковой
166 |
Александр ЛЕВИЦКИЙ Забытая страница. (Публикация, предисловие
и комментарии А.Баталиной)
216 |
Виктор ВАТОЛИН Голливуд за Каменкой. Очерки зарождения
и становления производства фильмов в Сибири
237 |
Елена РУСИНОВА Звук рисует пространство
249 |
Людмила ЛИМАНСКАЯ Оптические иллюзии
259 |
Андрей ХРЖАНОВСКИЙ О теории относительности, вороне на снегу
и других вещах, о которых полезно знать режиссеру
280 |
Маргарете фон ТРОТТА «Я хочу увидеть свой фильм как зритель…»
291 |
Фолькер ШЛЁНДОРФ Автор в кино
338 |
Евгений ГУСЯТИНСКИЙ Дела Брессона
374 |
Дмитрий САЛЫНСКИЙ «История—это такой странный кинофильм,
который, будучи запущен в обратном направлении, не приведет нас
к исходному кадру»
378 |
Валерий ГОЛОВСКОЙ Как Пентагон снимает кино.
«Alexandre Nevsky» in the Bolshoi Theatre. First impressions. Round-table talk in the Cinema Museum.
Participants: Naum KLEIMAN, Frank Strobel, Stephen Lang, Wolfgang Meisner, Kirill RAZLOGOV and others.
In November 2004 in the New stage of State Bolshoi Theatre within the framework of Russian-German cultural meetings show «Alexandre Nevsky» took place. The classical Eisenstein’s film, first released on the 23 of November, 1938 in the Bolshoi Theatre, now was demonstrated with alive sound according to original Sergei Prokofyev’s score reconstructed by Frank Strobel.
The next day the German participants of the project and a group of Russian film explorers met in Cinema Museum to exchange with their first impressions.
A letter by Zinaida Raih to Sergei Eisenstein.
Sketches of a letter by Zinaida Raih written after opening night of Eisenstein’s film, but never sent to the addressee are published here.
Evgeny DOBRENKO. «History of a people belongs to a Tsar». Dialectics of the people’s monarchy.
A curious study of historical film in Stalinist Soviet Union tries to explain why the Russian history represented in art was remade according to the demands of time. Author also reflects about the cinematograthic strategy of hidden resistance to the regime , in particular in «Ivan the Terrible» by Sergei Eisenstein.
Seregei YUTKEVICH – 100
Nina DYMSHITS. Yutkevich’s catechism.
Sergei Yutkevich was an artist, director, professor, film theorist and explorer… His manysid-ed person corresponded with his own collage theory exactly.
Leonid TRAUBERG. On giants and contemporaries. From memoirs.
Henry LANGLOIS. Preface to book by Lyuda and Jean Schitzer «Yutkevich, or continuity of avant-garde», Paris, 1975.
In the block of materials with which KZ celebrate Yutkevich’s jubilee you will find memoirs of his friend and comrade-in-arms Leonid Trauberg. First it was published in anthology of «Yutkevich’s readings» in 1987. In the same book first appeared in Russian the essay by the creator of Paris cinemateque Henry Langlois.
Sergei YUTKEVICH. Course of film directing.
Course of teaching film directing compied by Yutkevich is a type of outline of film history as history of film directing up to the 60-ies.
«If I could go and ask you for advice....»
Letters and telegrams by S.Yutkevich to S.Eisenstein and Pera Atasheva.
Andrei BUROV. “The Lace” and a question of line.
A historical sketch on Yutkevich’s film «The Lace».
Grigory KOZINTSEV – 100
Valentina KOZINTSEVA. Recalling Grigory Michailovich…
Memoirs of the director’s wife written as a preface to edition of his epistolary heritage but never published in full variant.
Yakov BUTOVSKY. Grigory Kozintsev and Gold century of prewar Lenfilm studio.
Tracing the FEKS activity, author scrutinizes the process of formation the Leningrad film school and consideres the influence of Kozintsev work as the main one in this process.
Grigory KOZINTSEV. «Emptiness is always affected…». Discussion of student’s project. VGIK, 1960.
A shorthand report of a quite an ordinary study of the director with his students in VGIK gives us an idea of the educational process in Kozintsev’s workshop and his conception of «deep» directing.
Rudolf ARNHEIM. Cinema and modern Art.
The article by the one of the outstanding Art explorers of the last century is a unique case of his appealing to film theory in those years. First published in «Art Journal» in 1966.
Sergei FILIPPOV. Between thinking and reality.
The author analyses Arnheim’s evolution of view on the cinema and connection of his aesthetical ideas with gestalt-psychology, pointing out its outstanding significance in comprehension psychological basis of cinema.
Yekaterina SCHEMELEVA. Cleopatra of Proletcult. Towards the 100th anniversary of Vera Yanukova.
The name of Vera Yanukova now is known only by specialists, but in the 30-ies she was a star. The article is dedicated to the fate of the talented actress who worked and studied in Proletcult under the leadership of Eisenstein and may be his first love.
Alexandre LEVITSKY. A forgotten page.
In 2005 it will be the 100th anniversary of releasing Meyerhold’s debut in film directing. Unfortunately the film was lost, so memoirs by Levitsky, the operator at this film, is one of the main sources of information about its visual aesthetics. This is the full variant of his notes on film «The Picture of Dorian Gray».
Victor VATOLIN. Hollywood beyond Kamenka. Studies of appearing and formation of film producing in Siberia.
KZ continues the publication of the film explorer’s studies (see KZ № 43, 60, 61). The first part of this text encloses period from postrevolutionary years till 1924.
Elena RUSINOVA. Sound draws realm.
The author analyses how modern technical means of sound engineering can help to construct the drama space in an auditorium to influence the spectators’ perception of a film in common.
Ludmila LIMANSKAYA. Optical illusions.
The author explores how sculptors, architectures and painters of different epochs tried to use optical illusions in their creatures.
Towards the jubilee of the Higher Courses of directing and scriptwriting.
Andrei HRZHANOVSKY. On the Theory of Relativity, a crow оn the snow and other things that are to be known by a director.
The fragments of lectures by outstanding filmmaker given at Courses in 1998 includes the lection about the directing and about the musical setting in film.
Margarethe von TROTTA. «I want to see my film as a spectator».
Trotta’s reflections about the autobiographical motives in her films and her method of film creating.
Volker SCHLOENDORFF. Author in cinema.
During the meeting with the Courses students the director argues about his own way as the film author and about the authorship as conception. Also Schloendorff recalls about shooting «Deutshland in Herbst».
Higher Courses of directing and scriptwriting. Index of graduates.
Evgeny GUSYATINSKY. Robert Bresson and transcendental style in cinema.
Spaces and people in Bresson’s films say good-bye to their images and names. There is no image, but there is a great generalization. Bresson created his own world, his own style and nobody can repeat it or even draw nearer to him…
Dmitry SALYNSKY. «Historian and artist». About the new magazine.
Valery GOLOVSKOY. Pentagon shooting films.
A review on the first issue of new magazine, dedicated to problems on the cross of history and theory of fine Arts and a survey of last American books on film history and on film critics are published here.