Сборник, или специальный номер научного журнала, посвященный юбилею выдающегося ученого, освещающий круг его научных интересов и близких тем, представляющий его школу, и т.д., — давняя академическая традиция, и мы с удовольствием ей следуем, принося этот номер журнала «Киноведческие записки» в дар нашему другу и коллеге, замечательному ученому, авторитетнейшему историку отечественного кино, неутомимому проводнику в обширные области эйзенштейновского творчества и эйзенштейновской мысли, хранителю Дома Мастера, радушно принимающему в нем кинематографистов и киноисследователей разных поколений, члену редколлегии нашего журнала и его постоянному автору Науму КЛЕЙМАНУ в день его семидесятилетия.
МУЗЕЙ КИНО. ИЗ ЖИЗНИ ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОЙ ИДЕИ 1898 год — год опубликования текста польского хроникера Болеслава Матушевского «Новый источник истории. О создании хранилища исторических документов» — первая дата в истории развития мировых синематек и музеев кино. В России хроника осуществления проекта музея истории кинематографа начинается с пореволюционных времен. Инициатором создания музея кино как синематеки и коллекции предметов, дающих представление о кинокультуре определенного периода, был киновед Григорий Моисеевич БОЛТЯНСКИЙ. Краткая история первого музея кино в нашей стране — в публикуемой подборке документов и текстов из архива Г. М. Болтянского в РГАЛИ. И хотя музей Болтянского в начале 1930-х был негласно ликвидирован, спустя десятилетия, Музей кино в нашей стране будет. Идея необходимой культурной организации будет жить в проектах 1940-х и 50-х гг., с тем чтобы воплотиться в 1980-е. Завершает обзор истории Музея кино в России общая концепция российского Музея кино 2005 года.
ЭЙЗЕНШТЕЙНОВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ Сергей Эйзенштейн в американской прессе 1920-х годов. Статьи Джона Грирсона, Люситы Сквайер, самого режиссера и др.
Из педагогической практики С. М. Эйзенштейна. Обсуждение режиссером и студентами преддипломной практики вгиковцев в съемочных группах Якова Протазанова, Александра Довженко, Михаила Дубсона, Всеволода Пудовкина, Григория Рошаля.
На съемках фильма "Бежин луг". Четверо студентов проходили практику на съемках «Бежина луга». В разделе — отчет режиссера Андрея Фролова, зафиксировавшего некоторые детали работы Эйзенштейна на площадке. В заключение — репортаж со съемок журналиста Михаила Розенфельда, впервые опубликованный в 1935 году в газете «Комсомольская правда».
6 |
Наум КЛЕЙМАН —70
23 |
Заключительное слово Мей Ланьфана публикатор(ы) Ларс КЛЕБЕРГ
26 |
1920–1930-е. Киномузей ГАХН. Из архива Г.М.Болтянского публикатор(ы) Светлана ИШЕВСКАЯ
43 |
1940-е. «Форсировать положение о музее». Подпись: Эйзенштейн публикатор(ы) Светлана ИШЕВСКАЯ
46 |
1950-е. Музей и Госфильмофонд. Из архива А.В.Мачерета публикатор(ы) Светлана ИШЕВСКАЯ
56 |
1980-е годы. «Киноцентр—это в основе Музей, такой же, как Бахрушинский, Литературный…» Из протоколов Музейной комиссии СК СССР, начало 1980-х гг. публикатор(ы) Нина ДЫМШИЦ
80 |
Наум КЛЕЙМАН «Идеальный музей кино» (беседу ведут Н.Дымшиц и А.Трошин), 2005 год
111 |
Общая концепция российского Музея кино. Проект
135 |
С.М.Эйзенштейн в американской прессе двадцатых годов XX века (Публикация Н.Рябчиковой) публикатор(ы) Наталья РЯБЧИКОВА
161 |
Сергей ЭЙЗЕНШТЕЙН «…Пройти через всю вещь постановочно, съемочно, монтажно». Из педагогической практики С.М.Эйзенштейна
194 |
Андрей ФРОЛОВ Трактат. О творческом методе режиссера кинематографического Эйзенштейна Сергея Михайловича… (Публикации А.С.Трошина) публикатор(ы) Александр ТРОШИН
212 |
Мих. РОЗЕНФЕЛЬД На съемках фильма «Бежин луг» («Комсомольская правда», 1935)
228 |
Николай ЗАБОЛОЦКИЙ Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена. Сценарий к звуковому детскому фильму. 1935 г. (Публикация Н.Н.Заболоцкого, подготовка текста И.Лощилова, предисловие И.Лощилова и П.Багрова)
255 |
Евгений МАРГОЛИТ Феномен агитпропфильма и приход звука в советское кино
267 |
Петр БАГРОВ Об авторе книги и немного об ее герое
275 |
Николай ЕФИМОВ Евгений Червяков. Неопубликованная монография
320 |
Андре БАЗЕН Страницы критического наследия: «Запрещенные игры».—«Германия, год нулевой».—«Последние каникулы». (Перевод И.Г.Эпштейн)
335 |
Борис ЛЮБИМОВ Феномен киноповести
361 |
Лидия КАНАШОВА Взгляд на поверхность вещей. Опыт чтения Белы Балаша
371 |
Артем СОПИН Об авторе песни к фильму «Одна»
374 |
Дарья КУРАКИНА-МУСТАФИНА Религиозная тема в фильмах Протазанова
377 |
Галина ШМАТОВА «Радуга» Донского: зона напряженного противоречия
A special issue of scientist magazine as anniversary gift to a scholar is old good academic tradition. Such gift is always a collection of materials which concerns and subjects of this scholar interested in. We are happy to present this fascicle as a gift to our colleague, friend, authoritative film historian, a stalker to vast domain of Sergei Eisenstein intellectual heritage, a member of editorial board of our magazine and its permanent author Naum KLEIMAN in his seventieth birthday.
Greetings and anniversary essays from world-known film historians, culturologists, theorists, directors Mikhail YAMPOLSKIY, Victor LISTOV, Yuri TSIVIAN, Bernar EISENSCHITS, Hans-Joahim SCHLEGEL, Jean-Michel FRODON, Marlen KHUTSIEV, Yuri NORSHTEIN, Andrey KHRZHANOVSKIY, Ishtvan SZABO, Otar IOSELIANI.
A Conclusion by Mei Lan Fan (Publ. by Lars Kleberg). Slavic scholar from Sweden Lars KLEBERG has a lot of studies in history of Russian theatre and film. And he is also a member of international editorial board of our magazine. In one of the first fascicles we printed his drama Aquarius. Basing on real fact Kleberg wrote half-fictioned dramas from lives of key persons in Russian culture of XXth century. One of dramas contains fictional discussion of Mei Lan Fan tour. When he had finished his work, Kleberg found in one of Moscow archives a real verbatim of Mei Lan Fan tour. And now we introduce his new find.
1920s–1930s Cinema Museum of GAKHN. From archives of Grigory Boltyanskiy.
1940s «Speed up a situation with Museum». Signature: Eisenstein.
From archives of Alexander Macheret. (Publ. and prefaced by S.Ishevskaya). A chronicle of foundation of Cinema Museum in Russia starts in revolutionary years. In 1922 film historian Grigory Boltyanskiy become an initiator of organization which he planned to be a typical film archives and also a collection of film culture objects. There are a brief history of the first film museum in our country in the mirror of documents. Sergei Eisenstein filmography seldom includes a collective letter of film makers signed up by director. So it is more interesting to reprint. In conclusion there is a Museum project of 1958 which planned to cooperate cinema museum and national film archive. 1980s «Film Center is a same Museum in it’s essence as Bakhrushinskii, Literary…» Verbatims of the Union of cinematographers’ Museum commission, 1980s. (Publ. and prefaced by N.Dymshitz). In the beginning of 1980s Museum project was recalled. Nina Dymshitz was the academic secretary of the Union’s Museum commission, which had founded Moscow’s Cinema Museum in 1988. A collection of Museum commission verbatims she made reveals a process of old dream slowly coming true.
2005 Naum KLEIMAN: «An Ideal Cinema Museum» (Conversed by N.Dymshitz and A.Troshin) A Common Conception of Cinema Museum in Russia. A Project. A conversation took place in summer 2005 when Russian State Cinema Museum was preparing to leave forcedly its building on Krasnaya Presnya. After the first demonstration in defense of Museum we asked Naum Kleiman to tell about Museum as such. To tell about its present and future. The project proposed by Kleiman is ideal dream and meanwhile absolutely real plan. The result of Kleiman’s thoughts is elaborate project, an official document which one day we hope to see fulfilled.
EISENSTEIN READINGS Sergey Eisenstein on American press of 1920s. (Publ., prefaced and commented by N.Ryabchikova) It is generally agreed that in Sovet Union Eisenstein’s fame and reputation starts from the Battleship Potiom- kin premiere in Berlin. This opinion can be doubted but one thing is true: success in Berlin made Eisenstein’s reputation in USA. This article selection includes texts which long before Eisenstein arrival in USA created his publicity. Written by John Grierson, Robert Rose, Lucita Squier and others a lot of texts is brief repeating of ideas expressed by the director on Russian. But in the same time some texts contain details which still are out of sight of Rus- sian reader. Copies of texts are preserved in Eisenstein’s archive and published on Russian for the first time (except text by Eisenstein). «…To pass through the whole thing arrangemently, filmingly, montagely». From educational practice of Sergei Eisenstein.
Andrey FROLOV. A Treatise. Оn creative method of cinematographic director Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein…(Publ. and commented by A.Troshin)
Mikh. ROSENFELD. On Bezhin Meadow shooting. (Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1935). Educational practice of Sergei Eisenstein has been widely covered on pages of our magazine several times. In issues ## 68 & 72 his lectures in VGIK of different years were printed. In this issue there is a verbatim of diploma discussion. On the anvil graduates tell Eisenstein about their practice on set. All the students worked with such directors as Vsevolod Pudovkin, Jakov Protazanov, Alexander Dovzhenko, Grigoriy Roshal, Mikhail Dubson and thus every student report is description of his supervisor’s persona. Four graduates worked in Eisenstein crew on Bezhin Medow shooting. Andrey Frolov, known director in 1940s, was one of them. His account about work with Eisenstein is also offered to our reader. These texts supplied with a republication of report from Bezhin Meadow shooting, written by a journalist famous in 1930s.
Nikolai ZABOLOTSKIY. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. A screenplay of unshooted sound film for children, 1935. (Publ. by N.N.Zabolotskiy, prefaced by I.Loschilov and P.Bagrov) The team-work of writers and cinematographists is always inexhaustible theme of lively interest for historians of cinematography. The scenario remainded in the archive of the great Russian poet Nikolaj Zabolozkij is confirmation of this thesis. The film bazed on this scenario was never made for unknown reasons. But stories of such scripts creating their own plot in the history of Russian cinema…
Evgeny MARGOLIT. Phenomena of agitpropfilm and sound film evolution in Soviet film. By 1931 the agitprop pattern was officially almost approved in its entirety as the cinematographic canon it Soviet cinematography. Cinematographic industry went over to making a hybrid of fiction, documentary and popular science film for illustrating topical political slogans. The history of this specific genre and its influence on Soviet sound films of 30s you will find in the article by famous historian of cinematography.
Piotr BAGROV. About This Book Author and A Little less about This Book Hero. Nikolai EFIMOV. Evgeny Chervyakov. Unpublished Monograph. By all means Evgeny Chervyakov, the film director, is outstanding figure of Soviet cinematography. Here is the unknown monograph about him written by his contemporary, one of the first Russian cinematologists, Nikolaj Efimov—this cannot be uninteresting. It is of particular importance that this monograph conteins unique description of lost masterpieces of Chervyakov. This monograph was not intend for publishing and was recently found in the archive of St-Petersburg Insitute of Art History.
André Bazin. The Pages of Critical Heritage: The Secret Game.—Germany Year Zero.—The Last Vacation. «Kinovedcheskie Zapiski» published the article by Andre Bazen «Stalin Myth in Film» in its first issue. At a later time there were published another several articles (## 6, 17, 19, 27, 35, 40, 55) by the great French critic and theorist of cinematography. Now we are presenting a few articles by Bazen about films of René Clément, Roberto Rosselini, Roger Leenhardt from his book Qu’est-ce que le cinema? (Paris, 1958–1961). They were never published in Russian before. All the texts are translated by Isabella Epstein.
A WORKSHOP Boris Lyubimov. A Phenomenon of Film-novel Genre.
Lidia Kanashova. A Look on of things. Reading Bela Balazs. Artyom Sopin. About the Author of Song from Odna
Darja Kurakina-Mustafina. A Religious Theme in Films by Protazanov.
Galina Shmatova. Rainbow by Donskoi:A Zone of Tense Antagonism.
This rubric presents an articles by young cinematologists, students of VGIK and RGGU. Here you will see new look on different aspects of cinema history and theory. Naum Kleiman is always very careful and thoughtful for new generations of cinema researchers, and this articles are also anniversary gift from grateful followers.