6 |
«Запоздавшая премьера». Первые впечатления
7 |
Наум КЛЕЙМАН Лакуны, которые предстоит заполнить.
9 |
Михаил ЯМПОЛЬСКИЙ Дранкова жалко.
10 |
Нина ДЫМШИЦ Архивисты и новаторы.
13 |
Дмитрий САЛЫНСКИЙ Наше вечно непредсказуемое прошлое.
14 |
Николай ИЗВОЛОВ Заметки на полях кинопленки.
19 |
Петр БАГРОВ К вопросу о кинопленках Ширяева.
29 |
Юрий ГРИГОРОВИЧ Александр Ширяев – послание издалека.
33 |
Виктор БОЧАРОВ «Забава была впечатляющей». (Беседу ведет Наталья Мазур)
48 |
Даниил САВЕЛЬЕВ «Ширяев был человек одержимый» (Беседу ведет Петр Багров)
57 |
Александр Ширяев в воспоминаниях современников: Хашим МУСТАЕВ, Зайтуна
НАСРЕТДИНОВА (Записала Т.Сергеева)
58 |
Мариэтта ФРАНГОПУЛО Чудеса в волшебном ящике. Вариант предисловия к книге
«Петербургский балет»
61 |
Александр ШИРЯЕВ Петербургский балет. Из воспоминаний артиста Мариинского
театра. (Под редакцией Ю.М.Слонимского).
102 |
Александра ТУЧИНСКАЯ Созидательные элегии Сокурова.
108 |
Александр СОКУРОВ «Я хочу знать все пути человеческого созидания»
(беседу ведет А.Тучинская)
114 |
Александр ДЕРЯБИН Пять лет и три года. Предыстория и история калатозовского «Шамиля».
127 |
«…Я делаю это по своему художественному праву…» Материалы к истории неосуществленного фильма «Шамиль».
160 |
Вадим АБДРАШИТОВ «Эту тему лучше было не трогать…» (записала Т.Сергеева).
162 |
Нея ЗОРКАЯ Кавказские пленники на рубеже тысячелетий.
174 |
(Публикация В/ Тумаева при участии В. Забродина)
221 |
«Прейскурант мыслей, или «“Народ” Вам не дадут». Два письма С.М.Эйзенштейну.
(Публикация и предисловие Владимира Забродина).
225 |
Андрей БУРОВ Складка страха: пространство.
230 |
Виктория ЛЕВИТОВА Об «оптичности» Диккенса, Прусте, Эйзенштейне и почти ни слова о Гриффите.
238 |
Совещание начальников фронтов киногрупп Комитета по делам кинематографии при СНК СССР, 1942 год (Публикация, предисловие и комментарии И. Сексте)
309 |
Российское кино 2002 года: круглый стол операторов.
(Подготовила Татьяна Москвина-Ященко).
321 |
Михаил КРИЧМАН «Стиль рождается в тандеме режиссер – оператор».
327 |
Сергей ЮРИЗДИЦКИЙ «Мне интересна жизнь сама по себе».
(Беседы ведет Анастасия Лещенко).
339 |
Лодзинский Camerimage и Витторио Стораро
340 |
Альдо ПИРО Roma. Imago Urbis: Рим. Образ города.
343 |
Витторио СТОРАРО Развитие понятий «свет», «тень» и «полутень».
349 |
Витторио СТОРАРО Авторские права оператора-постановщика.
(Перевод с английского и предисловие А. Лещенко).
354 |
Нестор АЛЬМЕНДРОС Человек с кинокамерой. (Главы из книги).
(Перевод с французского А.Умиковой, комментарии Я.Л.Бутовского).
BELIYE STOLBY–2004 «The late opening night». First impressions. Naum KLEIMAN. Lacunae, are to be filled. Mikhail YAMPOLSKY. Pity for Drankov. Nina DYMSHITZ. Archivists and innovators. Dmitrii SALYNSKY. Our unpredictable past. Nicolai IZVOLOV. Notes in the margin of a cine film. Pyotr BAGROV. Towards the question on Shiryaev’s films. Unknown earlier animations by Alexandre Shiryaev, Mariinsky Treatre ballet dancer and ballet-master, were first presented at the archive cinema festival «Beliye Stolby-2004». If the hypothetical dating of these films (1904–1908) is to be confirmed, it would be recognized as the first Russian animation. This sensational event became the theme of discussion in the circle of film explorers.
Yurii GRIGOROVICH. Alexandre Shiryaev – a message from afar. The outstanding Russin ballet-master confirm: choreography of the beginning of the XX century, which ceased to exist nowadays was reflected in Shiryaev’s films.
Victor BOCHAROV. «The fun was impressible». (Interview by N.Mazur). Film director and film explorer tells the story of the sensationable discovery of the early animations. Daniil SAVELYEV. «Shiryaev was possessed by an idee». (Interview by Pyotr Bagrov). Interview with Leningrad school of choreography photographer who have preserved the unique Shiryaev’s animation films at his home for several decades. Supplements Alexandre Shiryaev in reminiscences of contemporaries: Hashim MUSTAEV, Zaituna NASREDDINOVA. Marietta FRANGOPULO. Miracles from a magic box. Variant of a preface to the book «Petersburg ballet». In this block of publications Shiryaev’s apprentices and colleagues recall him. Alexandre SHIRYAEV. Petersburg ballet. From reminiscences of Mariinsky Teatre artist. (Edited by Y.M.Slonimsky). Never published earlier full text of the ballet-master’s memoirs. THEATRE AND CINEMA Alexandra TUCHINSKAYA. Sokurov’s creative elegies. Alexandre SOKUROV. «I want to know all the ways of human creation». The film director tells of his work on musical performances and mass show in Saint-Petersburg. ARCHIVES Alexandre DERYABIN. Five and three years. Pre-history and history of Kalatozov’s «Shamil». «I do it by my artistic rights...» Materials towards history of unrealized feature film «Shamil». (Publ. and comments by A.Deryabin, S.Ishevskaya). Biography of every artist include not only victories, but also interesting projects that were not finished. The publication includes the discussions of Kalatozov’s screenplay at «Lenfilm» studio and in magazine «Kino» that decided the film’s fate. Supplements Vadim ABDRASHITOV. «We shouldn’t touch the theme…» (Interview by Tamara Sergeeva). The film director reflects on Kalatozov’s screenplay «Shamil» (published in the previous issue of KZ). REFLECTIONS Nea ZORKAYA. Caucassian prisoners on the border of ages. The Caucasian theme is still hot today. The author resumes the attitude to the problem in several last films dealing with the theme and decisions of it that are suggested. LETTERS FROM THE PAST Three fellows. Correspondence between Sergei Skvortsov, Lev Kuleshov and Leonid Obolenskii. (Publ. by V.Tumaev, Comments by V.Zabrodin). The 2004 was the 100th anniversary of Sergei Skvortsov. Since 1938 till 1983 he was an assistant professor in VGIK, a senior teacher of direction in the workshops of Sergie Eisenstein and Ivan Savchenko then the master in the workshops of Grigirii Kozintsev, Lev Kuleshov and Sergei Utkevich. Sergei Skvortsov and Leonid Obolenskii were the dearest ones to Lev Kuleshov through all his life. This publication consists of exchange of letters between Sergei Skvortsov and Lev Kuleshov for almost forty years and letters from Leonid Obolenskii to Sergei. EISENSTEIN READINGS Price-list of ideas, or «They will never let you make “The People”». Two letters to Sergei Eisenstein. (Publ. and preface by V.Zabrodin). After prohibition and disparaging of «Bezhin Meadow» Eisenstein’s attempts to launch a new project meet even more resistance from the cinematographic administration. His new is to be as politically adjusted as possible… Andrei BUROV. The crease of fear: space. The author reflects on graphic nature of Eisenstein’s cinema (and his «Ivan the Terrible» in particular) and on deeper influence of its elements. Victoria LEVITOVA. On Dickens’s visuality, Proust, Eisenstein and next to nothing on Griffith. Language of some writers is too much visualizable. So visualizable and cinematographistic, that it is very hard to move their heroes to the screen… II A MAN WITH A CAMERA DOCUMENTS AND COMMENTS Verbatim report of military news reel cameramen heads’ deliberation, 12–13 May of 1942. (Publ., preface and comments by I.Sekste). World War II is shot for the history thanks to the people who risked their lives on the fields of battles. But their names are known less then the chronicle they shot. During the deliberation there were discussed a lot of contemporary problems of news reel makers, even the problem of documentary falsification. In the comments each name of the cameramen was attributed as much as it was possible. PROCESS «Russian Cinematography 2002»: Cameramen Round Table. (Publ. by T.Moskvina-Yaschenko). Cinematographers-members of Russian Guild of cameramen Igor Klebanov, the President of the Guild, Juri Nevskii, Juri Lubshin, Maria Solov’eva, Iliia Diomin and Alexei Rodionov tells about function of cameraman in modern Russian film process, about creative potential o f profession, about their own work and about on stage-relations of cinematographer and new Russian producer. COLLOQUE Mikhail KRICHMAN. «Style appears tandem of director and cameramen». Sergei YURIZDITSKY. «I’m interested in life in itself». (Interviews by A.Leschenko). Two outstanding Russian cameramen speak on their experience in creation PERSONALIA Camerimage in Lodz and Vittorio Storaro. Aldo PIRO. Roma Imago Urbis: Rome. Image of the City. Vittorio STORARO. Evolution of light, shadow and penumbra conceptions. Vittorio STORARO. Author rights of a cinematographer. (Preface by A.Leschenko) The block contains different aspects of the great Italian’s experience: his returning to documentary genre in «Roma. Image of the City», resume of his theoretical and practical exploration of beloved theme – light in cinema. And also the cinematographer’s attempt to stand up for his and his colleagues’ authorship. EXPERIENCE Nestor ALMENDROS. Man with a camera. (Chapters from the book). (Comments by Y.Butovsky). The cinematographer reminds his work at such well-known films as «Days of heaven». «The wild child» and so on, pointing out the tasks that were put by the directors and measures that were undertaken to fulfill it. |