4 |
Пырьев сегодня: Сергей СОЛОВЬЕВ, Владимир ДАШКЕВИЧ, Александр МИТТА, Глеб ПАНФИЛОВ интервьюер(ы) Ирина ШИЛОВА
15 |
«Будущие люди... показаны правильно». Диспут о картине «Посторонняя женщина» в ОДСК, 1929 публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
28 |
«Зачем мне этот Париж... где я брожу чужой». Заграничный дневник И. А. Пырьева публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
44 |
Наум КЛЕЙМАН «Другая история советского кино», Локарно, 2000 г. интервьюер(ы) Бернар ЭЙЗЕНШИЦ
56 |
Максим МЕДВЕДЕВ Позднесоветский «авторский» кинематограф
85 |
97 |
Брайан ХАРВИ Евгений Замятин - сценарист переводчик(и) Нина ЦЫРКУН
108 |
Рашит ЯНГИРОВ О русском вкладе в «Наполеон» Абеля Ганса (по новым материалам)
150 |
Серж ДАНЕЙ Кино в разъездах. Статьи 80-х переводчик(и) Вера РУМЯНЦЕВА
189 |
Жиль ДЕЛЁЗ Оптимизм, пессимизм, путешествие. Письмо Сержу Данею
199 |
Михаил ЯМПОЛЬСКИЙ Синефилия как эстетика. Заметки читателя книги Сержа Данея "Упражнение пошло на пользу, сударь"
213 |
Николай ХРЕНОВ Отечественный кинематограф: реабилитация архетипической реальности
236 |
Бернд УЛЕНБРУХ Миф как крамола. Догадки об "Александре Невском" переводчик(и) Леонид КОЗЛОВ, Лидия МАСЛОВА
260 |
Аркадий БЕРНШТЕЙН Время и дела Александра Курса
290 |
Николай ИЗВОЛОВ Из истории рисованного звука в СССР
Арсений АВРААМОВ. Материалы к биографии. Статьи
297 |
— Curriculum vitae А. М. Авраамова-Краснокутского публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
299 |
— [Характеристика на А. М. Авраамова] публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
300 |
— АРРК. Стенограмма лекции тов. Авраамова в группе звукового кино АРРКа от 20-го февраля 1930 г. публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
313 |
— Арсений АВРААМОВ. Синтонфильм. – Синтетическая музыка публикатор(ы) Николай ИЗВОЛОВ
334 |
Евгений ШОЛПО. Искусственная фонограмма на кинопленке как техническое средство музыки публикатор(ы) Николай ИЗВОЛОВ, Александр ДЕРЯБИН
353 |
Борис ЯНКОВСКИЙ. Акустический синтез музыкальных красок (2-й отдел книги «Теория и практика графического звука», VI раздел) публикатор(ы) Николай ИЗВОЛОВ
367 |
Библиография: статьи о «рисованном звуке»
Pyriev today: Sergei SOLOVYOV, Vladimir DASHKEVICH, Alexandre MITTA, Gleb Panfilov.
«People of future… are shown correctly». Discussion of the film «Woman apart» in Society of friends of Soviet cinema, 4 Sept 1929.
«What for this Paris to me… where I’m wandering alien» Ivan Pyriev’s diary abroad.
In the part, devoted to the jubilee of I.Pyriev (1901-1968), filmmakers Sergei Solovyov, Alexandre Mitta, Gleb Panfilov and composer Vladimir Dashkevich ponder over great influence of the director on domestic cinema. Records of discussion in 1929 of the «Woman apart» exemplify spectators’ comprehension of the first and unconserved work of Pyriev. The document shows, that from the very beginning Pyriev was the mover of «cinema for people», catching and adequately realizing public’s expectations. Besides, for the first time a unique archival piece is published – a dairy by Pyriev, which was delivered in Paris in 1958. In this existential composition Pyriev presents himself as a Dostoevsky’s hero overflown with ardent passions.
Naum KLEIMAN: «Another history of the Soviet cinema», 2d conversation, Locarno, 2000 г. (Conversed by Bernard Eisenschitz).
The 2d part of conversation between French film theorist Bernard Eisenschitz, who prepared Retrospective of Soviet films at Locarno International in 2000 and his Russian colleague, director of Museum of cinema (1st part was published in KZ, № 50). The text recorded had not been primarily meant for publication but as orientation of the programmer of the Retrospective, but later on was published in Catalogue of the Retrospective as a spontaneous interview, marking some perspectives and themes for reflexion. 2d part is devoted mostly to Soviet cinema of the epoch of the Thaw (1955-1968).
Maxim MEDVEDEV. Late Soviet «cinema d’auteur»
Treatment of cinema of the epoch of Perestroyka and hereafter, wittingly disclosing a row of films mimicking cinema d’auteur.
Jerzy PLAZEWSKI. Theme.
A noted Polish critic analyses trends in evolution within world cinema on the turn of XX and XXI centuries.
Brian D. HARVEY. Evgenii Zamiatin as Screenwriter.
An article by American slavist touches upon questions connected with screenwriting by Evgeny Zamiatin: his constant interest to cinema, influence of principles of photography, Italian Futurism and narrative techniques of cinema on his creation, etc
Rashit YANGIROV. On Russian impact on «Napoleon» of Abel Gans (On new materials).
Excavation based on a great number of archival documents, testifying to the fact of a considerable contribution of Russian emigre filmmakers into creation of Abel Gans’ classical movie.
Serge DANEY. Cinema in travel. Articles of 80s.
Gilles DELEUZE. Optimism, pessimism, travel. Letter to Serge Daney.
Mikhail JAMPOLSKY. Cinefilia as aesthetics. Notes of the reader of Serge Daney’s book «Exercise was useful, mister».
A set of texts by a noted French film critic, published in 80s in «Liberacion» and later collected in the book «Cinй journal», republished in 1998 year by «Cahiers du cinema». Also follows essay by Giles Deleuze from the same book and culturologist Mikhail Jampolsky’s article where Daney’s cinefilia is treated as a single possibility of a full cinema experience.
Nikolai KHRENOV. Domestic cinema: rehabilitation of archetypical reality.
How to analyze outlook of the artist of XX century? The author suggests an approach of his own, connected with relations artist/masses and analyses contradictions in consciousness of artists in post-revolutionary Russia.
Bernd UHLENBRUCH. Myth as mutiny. Guesses about «Alexandre Nevsky».
German scholar treats mytholized subtext of Eisenstein’s film of 1938 through context of situation of ideological control, which was avoided by the author.
Arkadyi BERNSTEIN. Time and deeds by Alexandre Kurs.
The first biographical article about journalist and playwright of 1920-30s Alexandre Kurs, based on rare archival documents evidences.
Nicolai IZVOLOV. From history of painted sound in USSR.
Arsenyi AVRAMOV. Materials to biography. Articles.
— Curriculum vitae of A.M. Avraamov-Krasnokutsky.
— [Resume of A.M.Avraamov].
— Records of lecture by comrade Avraamov in the group of sound cinema of APPC, 20 Feb 1930.
— Arsenyi AVRAAMOV. Syntonfilm.—Synthetic music.
— Evgenyi SHOLPO. Artificial soundtrack on film as a technical device of music.
— Boris Yankovsky. Acoustic synthesis of musical colours (the 2nd chapter of book «Theory and practice of graphic sound», VI part).
S u p p l e m e n t:
Bibliography of articles about «painted sound».
Technology of soundtracking known as «painted sound» was firstly based and exploited by Russian inventors and animators. Major written works of pioneers of «painted sound» when drawing attention of noted researches and well-known animators, such as Bela Balasz and Norman McLaren, have been obscure for investigators at large. A set of stuff gives an exhaustive notion of the early history of this underestimated phenomenon. |