4 |
Юрий МОРОЗОВ «Икар». История взлета и падения.
12 |
«Икар». «Инга» (договорное название). Сценарий цветного фильма по мотивам романа П.Лебединского «Четвертый разворот». Режиссерский сценарий Сергея Параджанова.
34 |
«Инга» / «Икар» Сергея Параджанова. Хроника разрешений и запретов. (Публикация Ю.З.Морозова).
44 |
Аннет МАЙКЛСОН «Покажи твои шрамы». Массовая культура и Gesamtkunstwerk.
56 |
Майя ТУРОВСКАЯ Амазонки русского киноавангарда.
64 |
Семирамида ПУМПЯНСКАЯ: «Я мечтала работать на киностудии». (Беседу ведет Евгений Цымбал).
81 |
Неизвестные сценарии Осипа Брика. – Приключения Эльвиста (Режиссерский сценарий). – Клеопатра (Либретто киносценария). – Премьера (Либретто сценария). (Публикация, предисловия и примечания А.В.Валюженича).
111 |
Осип Брик и кино. Материалы к теме. (Публикация, предисловие и примечания Р.М.Янгирова).
115 |
«Картина сильная, хорошая, но не “Чапаев”...» Записи бесед Б.З.Шумяцкого с И.В.Сталиным после кинопросмотров. 1935–1937 гг. (Публикация, предисловие и комментарии А.С.Трошина).
189 |
Аркадий БЕРНШТЕЙН Древо жизни.
216 |
Сергей КАПТЕРЕВ Билли Уайлдер. Запоздалый некролог.
231 |
Александр ДАНИЛИН Киномания, или «Наркотик» массовой культуры. Размышления психиатра.
251 |
Юрий СААКОВ Четыре «отсрочки» Григория Александрова.
256 |
Молодой Пудовкин. Материалы к творческой биографии. (Публикация, предисловие и комментарии Р.М.Янгирова).
261 |
Наталья ГРОМОВА Русский Голливуд на границе Китая.
273 |
Владимир ЛУГОВСКОЙ Из записных книжек. – Город сна. – Доброй ночи.
275 |
Наталия ВЕНЖЕР Воробьиная ночь. (Публикацию подготовила Н.А.Громова).
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Евгений МИГУНОВ О, об и про… Алма-Ата. Студенческие годы (1941–1943). (Публикация, предисловие и комментарии Г.Н.Бородина).
302 |
Александр ИВАНОВ На экране и за экраном (роман жизни). «Подводная лодка “Т-9”». (Публикация, предисловие и комментарии П.А.Багрова).
351 |
«Неизвестное кино». Круглый стол в Российском институте истории искусств. (Подготовила А.А.Артюх).
Yuri MOROZOV. Icarus: History of Rise and Fall.
Icarus. Inga (working title). Screenplay for color feature based on the novel The Fourth Turnabout by P.Lebedinsky. Directorial shooting script by Sergei Paradjanov.
Inga / Icarus by Sergei Paradjanov. A chronicle of censor bans and permissions.
(Published by Yuri Morozov).
The materials on Paradjanov’s never-materialized project (first published in Ukrainian film journal Kino-Kolo).
Annette MICHELSON. «Where Is Your Rupture?»: Mass Culture and the Gesamtkunstwerk.
This article describes the artistic practices of Andy Warhol’s Factory and his ideas as one of the ways for an implementation of the Gesamtkunstwerk.
Maya TUROVSKAYA. The Amazons of Russian Film Avant-Garde.
An account of the artistic careers and tragic fates of Esther Shub, Alexandra Khokhlova, Yelizaveta Svilova and Lily Brik, who played an important part in Soviet film avant-garde of the twenties.
Semiramide PUMPIANSKAYA: «I Dreamt of Working at the Film Studio» (interviewed by Eugene Tsymbal).
S.N.Pumpianskaya, a veteran documentary filmmaker, presents not so well-known facts from Dziga Vertov’s biography and witnesses to a verbatim report of an exposing meeting supporting the campaign against the «cosmopolitan» filmmakers held at the Central Documentary Film Studio on March 14–15, 1949.
Unknown Screenplays by Osip Brik.
The Adventures of Elvist (Shooting Script). Cleopatra (Libretto of a screenplay). An Opening Night (Libretto of a screenplay).
(Publication, introduction and comments by A.V.Valiuzhenich).
Osip Brik and Cinema. Materials for the topic. (Publication, introduction and comments by R.M. Yangirov).
Osip Maksimovich BRIK (1888–1945) was a journalist, writer and philologist, one of the founders and active participants of «The Society for the Study of Poetic Language» (OPOIAZ), playwright, theatre scholar, founder and editor-in-chief of «The Art of the Commune» newspaper (Petrograd, 1918–1919), as well as of the magazines «LEF» (1923–1925) and «New LEF» (1927–1928). He served on the boards of the leading organizations and institutions that set down the ideas of the artistic avant-garde in Soviet Russia and implemented the concepts of «social commission» and «production art», such as «Komfut», the Department of Fine Arts at Narkompros, INKhUK (the Institute of Artistic Culture), VKhUTEMAS (the Higher Artistic-Technical Workshops), LEF, REF. He was the first publisher, editor and biographer of his friend, poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. This publication brings to light the unknown materials from Brik’s creative heritage.
«The movie is really good, convincing, but it’s not Chapayev...» The records of the conversations of Boris Shumiatsky with Joseph Stalin after film shows. Years 1935–1937.
(Publication, introduction and comments by A.S.Troshin).
Final part of the publication (see first part in issue № 61).
Arkady BERNSHTEIN. Daniil Sagal. A Tree of Life.
Daniil Lvovich SAGAL (1909 – 2002) was a famous Soviet film actor. The article covers his work with Vsevolod Meyerhold, film roles and dramatic relations with his family which emigrated to the US.
Sergei KAPTEREV. Billy Wilder. Belated Obituary.
The article investigates the process of the well-known film director’s integration into Hollywood system and his main artistic principles.
Alexander DANILIN. Film Addiction, or The «Drug» of Mass Culture.
A renowned psychiatrist examines the processes that form the spectator’s dependence on the screen images replacing the mental images of his/her individuality with the latter.
Yuri SAAKOV. Four Deferments of Grigory Alexandrov.
The essay recounts how Sergei Eisenstein helped Grigory Alexandrov to evade compulsory military service in the twenties.
Young Pudovkin. Materials for creative biography. (Publication, introduction and comments by R.M. Yangirov).
Publication of Vsevolod Pudovkin’s love letter and short stories dedicated to a poet Vera Zviagintseva.
Natalia GROMOVA. Russian Hollywood on the Chinese border.
Vladimir LUGOVSKOI. From the Notebooks.
The City of Sleep – Good Night.
Natalia VENZHER. Sparrow Night.
(Publication prepared by N.A.Gromova).
This selection of materials shows life and work of an acclaimed Russian poet Vladimir Lugovskoi during his sojourn in Tashkent and Alma-Ata after evacuation (in particular, he was an author of the lyrics for Sergei Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible).
Eugene MIGUNOV. About, Apropos and Relating to...Alma-Ata. College years (1941–1943).
(Publication, introduction and comments by G.N.Borodin).
E.T.Migunov could have become one of the most challenging innovators of Russian animation, if he wouldn’t be unjustly fired from «Soyuzmultfilm» Studio. In his memoirs he describes the life of VGIK (National Film School) students from the Department of Animation during their WW2 evacuation to Alma-Ata.
Alexander IVANOV. On Screen and Beyond (Novel of Life). (Submarine «T–9»).
(Publication, introduction and comments by P.A.Bagrov).
These exquisitely expressive memoirs of film director A. Ivanov cover his evacuation from Leningrad and work on his film Submarine «T–9».
«Unknown Cinema». Colloquy at the National Institute of Fine Arts (St. Petersburg).
(Prepared by A.A. Artiukh). The participants of the colloquy, which took place in October 2002, discuss films and filmmakers that were not studied by or unknown to Russian film scholars. |