United Europe
Оksana SARKISOVA. A space of play and recipe of growing up. («European 60es. Rebellion, Imagination, Utopia». Berlinale retrospective).
Retrospective on Berlinale-2002 is considered as its compilers trying to see in European cinema of 60es a prototype of modern united Europe.
Peter W. JANSEN. Cinema of self-service. European films of 60es.
According German critic opinion, 60es became ‘year zero’ and the time of true flourish in history European cinema. In the article significant films of the period and the influence they exercised on world cinema are being analyzed.
Natalia SAMUTINA. Author’s intellectual cinema as European idea.
European type of cinema and method of its description in researching works of 1980es–90es.
The Independent USA
Аndrei KHRENOV. «Children of Marx and Coca-Cola» or Politicization of esthetical.
David JAMES. Allegories of Cinema: American Film in the Sixties. Fragment from a book.
What way did figures American ‘independent’ cinema develope theoretical basis for analyzing production, distribution and reception of alternative film? How strong was the influence of the Russian avant-garde they exercised? All these aspects of ‘independent’ cinema are revealed in works both of Russian and American film critic.
Daria KOROSTELEVA. The culture of youth protest and American cinema. 1960еs–70еs.
On examples of independent cinematography productions a research of counterculture in context of West Europe art and definition of its role in changing of American cinema are being made.
«Now Russia isn’t an abstraction to me, now she has Your face…» Foreign cinematographers’ letters to I.Epstein. 1963–1986.
Izabella Epstein (1926–1986)—marvelous, well-educated translator, who opened books by Bazin, Truffaut, J.G.Louson, W.Saroyan and Breht to Russian readers. Her correspondence with Varda, Wajda, Marker, Sjoman and others famous cinematographers testifies to illusory of iron curtain borders and to community of spiritual interests of people of different countries and cultures.
Мikhail YAMPOLSKY. Critical moment.
Reflections about goals and abilities of critique. Author argues, critic is far away from reality and he has too much abstraction approach. From his point of view an important exception is authors-cinefiles of Cahiers du cinéma in 1950es (first of all Andre Bazin).
Jacob VARSHAVSKY. With Meyerkhold and Mayakovsky.
Andrey KHRZHANOVSKY. A specter of life.
S u p p l e m e n t.
From Erast Garin’s letters.
Materials published are telling about outstanding actor and director Erast Garin (1902–1980), who was Meyerkhold’s disciple and follower of his traditions in art.
«To live in conditions of “unstable balance”». Eisenstein’s letters to Maxim Shtraukh. 1929–1931.
It’s not a secret that a trip to Mexico was a turning point in Eisenstein’s biography. Wrote abroad letters to known actor and childhood fellow are interpreted as a key to theories of Eisenstein the art man and as the most frank autoportrait of Eisenstein a human.
Arkadij BERNSTEIN. Hollywood without happy-end. Fate and creation of Vladimir Nilsen.
Vladimir Nilsen (1905–1938) was theoretic of film photography and enthusiast of unrealized «Soviet Hollywood» creation. He was high estimated among contemporary. Nilsen was repressioned and for a long time his name disappeared from history of Soviet cinema. For a first time a full biography of the cameraman and his diaries are published.
Peter BAGROV. Own scale of height. Alexander Ivanov: director and memoir.
Biographical essay about Alexander Ivanov (1898–1984), who was one of the most interesting and less researched directors on Lenfilm. He shot Submarine Т-9 (1943), Star (1949), First Russians (1967).
Alexander IVANOV. On the screen and behind it. «Karelian-Finnish SSR».
«…Аnd here Josef Vissarionovich died!» From diaries of Ivanov. 1952–1955.
Chapter from memoirs and fragment of Ivanov’s diaries are rare source about life and morality of Soviet filmmakers and supervisors in first part of 1950es.
Victor VATOLIN. Cinema in Siberia. Essays about history of early Siberian movies (1896–1917).
Chapters from a book tell about first film shows in Siberia, pioneers of Siberian cinema and development of original film production in region.
«Dismissed because of silent cinema closing». Memoirs of illustrator pianist. (L.А.Kireeva).
L.А.Kireeva, alive witness of silent movie epoch, recalls about her work.
Alexander ALEKSEYEV. Oblivion, or Remorse. Remembrance of the St Petersburg’s cadet.
The final chapters of outstanding animator’s memoirs (the first ones see in «КZ» №№ 52, 55, 56).
«Global amnesia: Central Asia and politic of space» (American–Russian symposium).
A notes about symposium in may, 20–24 in Film Research Institute (Моscow) devoted to modern cinema of Central Asia.
Awarded by «Kinovedcheskie zapiski». Contents №№ 51–60. |