«Романовы—венценосная семья».
Первые впечатления
6 |
Ирина ШИЛОВА Дистанция прикосновения
13 |
Леонид КОЗЛОВ Контраистория по Глебу Панфилову
21 |
Нина ДЫМШИЦ Дом Панфилова
23 |
Александр ТРОШИН «Скучная история», или Шекспир, сыгранный по-чеховски
27 |
«Россия Николая II и Лев Толстой». Из истории утраченного фильма
28 |
— Сергей ТРЕТЬЯКОВ. Лев Толстой и Романовы
29 |
— Стенограмма обсуждения фильма в Обществе друзей советского кино, октябрь 1928 г. публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
50 |
— Титры фильма публикатор(ы) Людмила ИНОЗЕМЦЕВА
54 |
Анна АНОСОВА Опыт оживления мертвой буквы. К проблеме надписи в звуковом фильме
81 |
Мирей БРУДЕР-КОГАН Полемика об интертитрах вообще и об интертитрах в «Еврейском счастье» — в частности переводчик(и) Наталья НУСИНОВА
94 |
Георгий АДАМОВИЧ Из творческого наследия публикатор(ы) Рашит ЯНГИРОВ, Олег КОРОСТЫЛЕВ
«Звуковой кинообраз мира на рубеже нового века».
(«Звуковая заявка» С.Эйзенштейна, В.Пудовкина, Г.Александрова и современный широкоформатный кинематограф
с многоканальным звуком»).
Теоретический семинар
в Союзе кинематографистов России. Март, 2000
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Участвуют: звукорежиссеры Роланд КАЗАРЯН, Владимир ВИНОГРАДОВ, Владимир КУЗНЕЦОВ, кинорежиссер Александр ХВАН, музыкант и искусствовед Дмитрий УХОВ, киноведы и критики Ирина ШИЛОВА, Михаил БРАШИНСКИЙ, Олег АРОНСОН публикатор(ы) Ирина ШИЛОВА
198 |
«…Обнимаю мать знаменитого сына». Письма С.М.Эйзенштейна — Ю.М.Эйзенштейн. 1921–1925 публикатор(ы) Владимир ЗАБРОДИН
228 |
Омри РОНЕН Один раз в жизни. Эйзенштейн и его коллеги как литературные прототипы переводчик(и) Ольга ГОНЧАРЕНКО
234 |
Хуго МЮНСТЕРБЕРГ Фотопьеса: Психологическое исследование. Главы из книги: публикатор(ы) Сергей ФИЛИППОВ
242 |
— 1. Психология фотопьесы переводчик(и) Елена САЗОНОВА
271 |
— 9. Эстетика фотопьесы переводчик(и) Сергей ФИЛИППОВ
278 |
Георгий РЕРБЕРГ «Если чувства не воспитаны, толку не будет». Последняя беседа интервьюер(ы) Ирина ШИЛОВА, Елена ПЕТРОВСКАЯ
283 |
Рашит ЯНГИРОВ Русский художественный авангард и кинематограф. 1917–1922 гг. Новые материалы и документы
332 |
Валерий БОСЕНКО Жак Превер - кинематографист
340 |
Александр ДЕРЯБИН «Сизиф» и его камень. Теория и практика Вениамина Вишневского
348 |
Вениамин ВИШНЕВСКИЙ О задачах советской фильмографии. Доклад 1947 года публикатор(ы) Александр ДЕРЯБИН
376 |
Микеле КАНОЗА, Никола МАДЗАНТИ, Джан Лука ФАРИНЕЛЛИ Черным по белому. Заметки о документации восстановления фильмов переводчик(и) Александр ДЕРЯБИН, Нина ЦЫРКУН
389 |
Николай ПРОЗОРОВСКИЙ Невыдуманное. Главы из воспоминаний публикатор(ы) Петр ШЕПОТИННИК
Irina SHILOVA. Distance of Touch.
Leonid KOZLOV. Counter-history according to Gleb Panfilov.
Nina DYMSHITZ. A House of Panfilov.
Alexander TROSHIN. Bore story, or Shakespeare played as Chekhov.
Collective reflection over a new film by Gleb Panfilov, its place in contemporary Russian film process and in the carrier of the filmmaker.
«Russia of Nicolas II and Leo Tolstoi». From the history of the lost film.
A set of archival stuff on Esfir Shub’s montage film «Russia of Nicolas II and Leo Tolstoi», Including Sergei Tretyakov’s short review, records from the discussion at the meeting of Society of Friends of Soviet Cinema in October of 1928, and a list of credits, which may give a glimpse of the composure of the film lost.
Anna ANOSOVA. An Attempt at Animation of a Dead Letter. Towards the Problem of Inscription in a Sound Film.
Written elements in the texture of a film, changing from mute cinema to sound one; functioning of intershot and innershot inscriptions; work with an inscription in contemporary cinema.
Mireille BROUDEUR-KOGAN. Polemics over interinscriptions in general and those in JEWISH HAPPINESS in particular.
A French philologist, going into creation of Isaak Babel, surveys Soviet cinema press on «Jewich happiness» of 20s and analyses various concepts of the place and role of the word, that is interinscriptions in mute cinema, as well as relation of the theme discussed to Eisenstein’s theories of «sound-visual counterpoint» and «montage of attractions».
Georgy ADAMOVICH as a Film Critic. From Creative Heritage.
Selected film reviews by the poet and translator, critic and memoir writer Georgy Adamovich, published in 30s in Russian in The Poslednie Novosti newspaper (Paris). A lot of Soviet pictures are being surveyed among the others.
«Sound worldimage on the turn of the new age» (A Sound Application by S.Eisenstein, V.Pudovkin, G.Aleksandrov and contemporary 3D cinema with DTS). Seminar. March, 2000
Participants of the Conference—sound directors, film historians, critics, music experts and culturologists—discuss revolutionary shift in this province, basing on domestic and world cinema. Both technological and aesthetical aspects of the phenomenon are taken into consideration.
«…Embracing mother of the famous son». Letters from S.Eisenstein to Yu.Eisenstein. 1921–1925
Letters of Sergei Eisenstein to his mother (1921–1925) trace some vital moments of development of the director to come. Important data about creation—scene design, directing ideas, etc are intervolen with biographical information.
Omry RONEN. Once in lifetime: Eisenstein and his associates as literary prototypes.
The American slavist considers Sergei Eisenstein to be the prototype of the protagonist of Lev Kassil’s «The Great Opposition» («Once in lifetime»).
Hugo Mьnsterberg. The Photoplay: a Psychological Study. Chapters from the Book
The publicator Sergei Filippov holds, that this treatise of the American psychologist, first published in 1916, becomes the most actual theory.
Georgy Rerberg: «If the senses have not been brought up, there is no sense». The Last Conversation.
The last conversation with the outstanding cinematographer, who have collaborated with Andrei Tarkovsky and other noted Russian filmmakers, which took place on March 1999 prior to his death.
Rashit YANGIROV. Russian Art Avant-guarde and Cinema. 1917–1922. New materials and documents.
A set of archival stuff and newspaper publications of the first after-Revolutionary years reflects complicated relations between Russian vanguard (Futurism and Anarchism in particular) and cinema both in theory in practice.
Valery Bosenko. Jaque Prevert as a filmmaker.
Through the films written by Prevert, the authur traces down the evolution of his philosophical and poetic cinema.
Alexander DERYABIN. «Sisyphus» and his Stone. Theory and Practice of Veniamin Vishnevsky.
Veniamin VISHNEVSKY. On the Tasks of Soviet Filmography. Report (1947)
The set of stuff presents activities of the film historian Veniamin Vishnevsky and his article of 1947 on the problems of filmography.
Michele CANOSA, Gian Luca FARINELLI, Nicola MAZZANTI. Black on White. Notes on Film Restoration: the Documentation.
An article by Italian film historians devoted to the restoration practice of recent years; methods and contents of documentations which should presumably accompany every restoration piece.
Nikolai PROZOROVSKY. Non-fiction. Chapters from Memoirs.
Recollections of the veteran cinematographer, written in the mid80s. The author has worked in feature cinema since 20s, then in culture films and chronicle ones. |